
Installation of Kafkawize Community Edition

Kafkawize is a web application to administrate and enforce Governance in a Kafka environment with Self-service, security and automation features.

In this post, we will install community edition (Windows & Linux envs) of Kafkawize. Here is the code available on Git.

Steps :

Download the software

  1. Download the software from https://kafkawize.com/download
  2. You will receive an email with a link to download, together with a license key expiring in 2023
  3. Click the download link from mail and download the package
  4. Unzip the package to a file system


  1. Update the license key in \kafkawize-communityedition-4.5.2\conf\application_kafkawize.properties for property kafkawize.license.key
  1. Leave the other property kafkawize.org.name=MyOrganization unchanged
  2. Metastore is configured by default to a filesystem directory spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:file …
  3. To change the metastore to an rdbms like MySql or Postgres, sample configuration is available in the same file application_kafkawize.properties. Uncomment those properties

Start Kafkawize

  1. Go to \kafkawize-communityedition-4.5.2\bin directory
  2. If Windows : run start-kafkawize.bat batch file
  3. If Linux/Unix/Mac : run start-kafkawize.sh shell script
  4. This would start 2 Java processes. UI Api application and Cluster Management application.
  5. Check the logs kw-uiapi.log and kw-clusterapi.log if applications are started or grep for the processes

Access the application

  1. Access the portal at http://localhost:9097/kafkawize
  1. Login with user username : gary and password: user
  2. Other configured users can be found in the script in \kafkawize-communityedition-4.5.2\dbscripts\rdbms\insertdata.sql
  3. To configure clusters or users, corresponding menus are available.


Full documentation is available at https://kafkawize.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Installation video

On Docker

To run Kafkawize on Docker, simply create docker compose files from https://kafkawize.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docker.html

You can also create docker images with the below Dockerfile for example :

FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:latest
RUN mkdir /opt/app
COPY japp.jar /opt/app
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/opt/app/japp.jar"]

To know more about the Professional version, here are few videos : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP9lIqI_cSE5yCvM6NZtUjZJF5a1wwHB2

Pro version :

To request for a demo of the Pro version : https://kafkawize.com/request-for-demo/

If you have any questions please contact us at info@kafkawize.com or ContactUs

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